
Care Act - Introduction and Overview


This course provides an introduction to, and an overview of, part one of the Care Act 2014 and its statutory guidance. The course is designed to help those involved in care and support services to understand and implement the Act.


Duration: 01 hours 30 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
Introduction and Overview - About the Act Online 00:30:00
Introduction and Overview - The Wellbeing Principle Online 00:30:00
Introduction and Overview – Duties and Responsibilities Online 00:30:00


This course is intended for:

  • Adult social care as well as wider elements of local authorities such as children’s services, housing and public health
  • Health and other local authority partner organisations such as learning and education providers
    Social care provider and support organisations in all sectors
  • Those involved in the governance of these organisations and people who work, care, support and volunteer in them
  • Professionals and practitioners


In this course you will:

  • Understand the reasons why the Act has been introduced
  • Learn about the key changes introduced by the Act
  • Learn about the legislation, regulations and statutory guidance
  • Understand the basic framework of the Act and what it delivers
  • Understand the wellbeing principle
  • Learn about local authorities’ duties and responsibilities
  • Understand the assessment, eligibility, and care and support planning processes
  • Learn what the Act means for people who need care and support


Here are a few topics covered in this course:

Introduction and background to the Act | Why do we need to change the law? | A simpler, modern law | Reforming and consolidating law | Legislation, regulations and guidance | ‘Must’, ‘Should’, ‘May’ and ‘Should Not’ | What is the Act trying to achieve | Wellbeing and outcomes | Postpone not intervene | Local authority responsibilities | Preventative services | Preventative services in practice | Personalisation | Person centred care and support planning | An Integrated Act | The framework of the Act | The Wellbeing Principle | Whose wellbeing is important | Wellbeing and Assessment | How is wellbeing used in the Act? | Information and advice | Would this be sufficient? | A home care provider perspective | Offering choice | Independent Advocacy | Carer’s rights | A charity’s perspective | Safeguarding | Does the Care Act only apply to adults? | Overview of the key workflow stages | How will people experience the new system in 2016/17 | Personal budget | What impact will this have on a local authority?

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register. Please click the 'self-register' button and then fill in your personal and organisation details. If you are a resident please include 'resident' in the 'organisation' box and your postcode in the 'address' box.

Once you have done this, your details will be sent to us to validate. When we have validated your registration you will be sent an email with your login details.

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Course flyer

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This course has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.