
Safeguarding Children - Level 1


This course will help to ensure that all people working with or who have contact with children and young people are equipped to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities effectively.


Duration: 02 hours 15 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
Background to safeguarding children Online 00:15:00
Introduction to child abuse Online 00:20:00
Recognising abuse and neglect Online 00:45:00
If you have concerns Online 00:20:00
Responding to a disclosure: what you should do Online 00:20:00


This Safeguarding Children (Level 1) course bundle is intended for staff who fall into the following work groups:

Group 1: Staff who are in infrequent contact with children, young people and / or parents / carers and who may become aware of possible abuse or neglect.

Group 2: Those in regular contact or have a period of intense but irregular contact, with children, young people and / or parents / carers, who may be in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment, including those that may arise from the use of a common / early help assessment.

Please note: if you fall within the three work groups outlined below, you would need to complete additional training.

Group 3: Members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.

Group 4: Members of the workforce who are responsible for making safeguarding referrals to the Police and Children’s Social Care

Group 5: Members of the workforce who have particular responsibilities in relation to undertaking section 47 enquiries, including professionals police and children’s social care; those who work with complex cases and social work staff responsible for co-ordinating assessments of children in need.


This course will enable you to:

  • Learn the background and legal basis for safeguarding
  • Understand the importance of serious case reviews
  • Understand the origins and core functions of Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards
  • Know what is meant by safeguarding and child protection
  • Learn the definition of child protection and child abuse
  • Understand the concept of significant harm
  • Learn the key principles of child protection
  • Know what to do if child abuse is suspected
  • Know who abuses children
  • Learn the definitions of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect
  • Know the causes of abuse
  • Learn how to recognise signs of abuse from the victim and perpetrator
  • Know the effects of abuse on children
  • Learn how to and how not to respond to concern that a child is at risk of harm
  • Know what information to record
  • Know what to do if you have concern
  • Learn how to respond to a disclosure or allegation of abuse or neglect


Here are some topics covered in this course:

Everyone's business | Safeguarding and child protection | Who are we safeguarding | Timeline of serious incidents, serious case reviews, legislation, investigations and guidance | Findings and failings | Working together to safeguard children | Children and Social Work Act 2017 | Information sharing | Safeguarding myths | What are we safeguarding children from? | Definition of child abuse and significant harm | Parenting and abuse | How to establish whether there is significant harm | Children’s social care | Who abuses children and the forms of abuse | Indicators of abuse and how children respond | Important principles | Building trust | Definition and causes of physical abuse | Signs from the victim and abuser | Effects on children | Definition and causes of emotional abuse | Components and signs of emotional abuse | Definition and signs of sexual abuse | Grooming | Disclosure | Definition of neglect | Contributing factors and vulnerable children | Making promises | Discussing with colleagues | Waiting | Designated safeguarding lead | Recording concerns | Police involvement | Responding to a disclosure – what children want and what they fear | Types of disclosure | Supporting the child | Putting safety first | Communicate appropriately | Observing | Recording | Explain what happens next | Role of the designated person | Actions to undertake and to avoid | Local guidance and protocols

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register. Please click the 'self-register' button and then fill in your personal and organisation details. If you are a resident please include 'resident' in the 'organisation' box and your postcode in the 'address' box.

Once you have done this, your details will be sent to us to validate. When we have validated your registration you will be sent an email with your login details.

Having problems? Look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

Course flyer

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