
Information Sharing and Consent


Information sharing is key to delivering better, more efficient services that are coordinated around the needs of children, young people and families.


Duration: 01 hours 30 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
What is information sharing? Online 00:22:00
When to share information Online 00:20:00
The sharing process Online 00:19:00
Information sharing scenarios Online 00:20:00


This course is intended for all children’s workforce practitioners, i.e. all staff who work with children, young people and their families.

Although this course forms part of an induction programme for new starters, it is also intended for all practitioners who want to improve their knowledge and continue their professional development.


In this course you will learn:

  • What is information sharing?
  • Why is information sharing so important?
  • How information sharing can help prevent harm
  • Why it is important to keep good records
  • The legislation around information sharing
  • What children, young people and families expect of you
  • Who can give or refuse consent
  • The seven golden rules of information sharing
  • Know what is confidential information
  • Making informed judgments
  • Seven key questions to ask yourself
  • The questions you should ask prior to sharing information


Here are a few topics covered in this course:

Definition of information sharing | Information sharing is vital | Ensuring services are delivered | Prevention of harm | Saving time | Managing expectations | Seven golden rules | 1: Data Protection is not a barrier | 2: Be honest and open | 3: Seek advice | Check your Understanding | 4: Share with consent where appropriate | 5: Consider safety and wellbeing | 6: Accurate and safe | 7: Keep a Record | Informed judgements | Eight key questions | Seek advice | Consent is key | Informed consent | Transparency | Implied consent | Explicit consent | Sensitive information | Willing consent | Who can give or refuse consent? | Understanding | Sharing without consent | Not confidential | Confidential | Professional judgement | Guidelines and protocols

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register. Please click the 'self-register' button and then fill in your personal and organisation details. If you are a resident please include 'resident' in the 'organisation' box and your postcode in the 'address' box.

Once you have done this, your details will be sent to us to validate. When we have validated your registration you will be sent an email with your login details.

Having problems? Look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

Course flyer

Please click the link to download the course flyer.

View flyer


This course has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.