
Child Sexual Exploitation - Level 2


The course has been designed to help people who have a statutory duty to safeguard children  to know the law in relation to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and to know how to record a CSE risk assessment. You will also learn some essential CSE practice principles and intervention strategies.


Duration: 01 hours 30 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
The law and victim support Online 00:30:00
Child sexual exploitation - Level 2 Risk assessment and intervention Online 00:30:00
Child sexual exploitation - Level 2 Roles and responsibilities Online 00:22:00



The course aimed at all safeguarding professionals who have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people (this includes, social workers, police officers, teachers, family support workers, foster carers and health professionals to name a few).



In this course you will know:

  • Who the law applies to
  • The law and ‘child prostitution’
  • Relevant clauses in UK legislation to CSE
  • Victims and the justice system
  • The key points to remember prior to and during a CSE risk assessment
  • The assessment process and some example tools
  • The thresholds and appropriate interventions
  • Good practice principles
  • Some intervention strategiesThe roles that have responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in the context of CSE


How effective is the law?; Child Protection; Child prostitution; CSE and UK law; When to protect; The Children Act 1989; The Sexual Offences Act 2003; Other legislative Acts and Orders; Low rates of conviction; Judging the victim; The decision to prosecute; The trauma of giving evidence; Securing convictions; Important things to remember when undertaking an assessment; The risk assessment process; The risk factors; Step 1: Identify the risk indicators; Step 2: Identify additional vulnerability factors; Step 3: Complete a risk factors matrix; Regular CSE assessments; The low risk matrix; When to act; The medium risk matrix; What action should be taken?; The high risk matrix; Intervention strategies; Capacity to consent; Information sharing; Ten years on and the problem is still there; Common responsibilities; The role of LSCB’s; Local authority (LA) duties; The role of the Police; The role of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS); The role of of Youth Offending Teams (YOTs); The role of Health services; The role of schools and further education institutions; The role of voluntary and community sector organisations; The role of the private sector


Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register. Please click the 'self-register' button and then fill in your personal and organisation details. If you are a resident please include 'resident' in the 'organisation' box and your postcode in the 'address' box.

Once you have done this, your details will be sent to us to validate. When we have validated your registration you will be sent an email with your login details.

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Course flyer

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This course has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.